Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I've been thinking.

About my life, which is a complete failure. I suddenly feel so shallow and empty and without a purpose.

I excel in nothing. I am not particularly committed to/passionate about anything. I have absolutely no goals and aims. I have done nothing that I can be proud of in my almost 18 years of life.

I am probably the laziest person alive. Even if I'm too lazy to get my too small ass off the couch to do something meaningful and enriching to my life, I should be at least be studying hard and achieving academic excellence right? But NO, not even that. I am so lazy, that if I can afford it, I can lie around in the bed/sofa the entire day. I lie down and read, lie down and study, and lie down and eat and drink if I can. Sometimes I even hold my bladder until I absolutely cannot take it anymore before I go to the toilet, simply because I can't be bothered to move. Now you get the idea.

Now I'm wondering like what the heck am I doing. Honestly, I do not want to waste my life away like this.

I swear I'm going to turn my life around.

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